Thursday 29 August 2024

Sh*tsNG*gs and Missing Certain Strains

”When men defecate, do they balance their penises on the toilet seat or let it hang loose in the bowl?”

Sh*tsnG*gs on YouTube

The above is bad enough, but we now have a secondary high thoughts because I couldn’t in all good conscience not post it! This is what happens to Stripes and Gidget when I vape Powdered Donut ‘dust’ with a sprinkling of Morrocan Peach!

”I’ve just reverted to a teenage boy – I said crap outside for the first time and feel like a Big Man!”


”It’s just given me a headache!”


I am feeling absolutely exhausted – went for a tattoo, recovering from COVID and struggling to sleep. I am really missing Powdered Donuts and may be putting through an order for it sooner than expected. Anyway, I scraped out the dust from the grinder that I used on the Powdered Donuts and sprinkled a little Morrocan Peach on top of it, and oh my word!

According to Stripes and Gidget, I get belligerent and bolshy on it. Not my impressions at all – whilst I’m on it, I just feel welded to the bed and happy to go to sleep! Admittedly, I may lose a little of my filter and say things without thinking – watching TV whilst on this is a trip in itself as my hatred for stupidity in characters and plots is at an all time low! We’ve discovered that Legacies is on Prime and as we couldn’t get hold of it after season 1, it’s given us all something to watch. However, it’s reawakened my hatred of several characters and apparently, I’m quite vocal about it.

We’ve also been watching Sh*tsnG*gs reaction videos on YouTube and when you’re high, a lot of that stuff hits different! I feel like I should request popcorn that I can throw at the screen!

So, the Big Narstie bud is still working but I miss Powdered Donuts/Farm Gas and need to budget for that as soon as I can!

Sunday 25 August 2024

Response to 'Karen' SKM

Received a phone call from Mamedica (wish I could remember the lady’s name) with regard to my complaint. I got apologies and she explained that she had only just started working there, they had taken on more staff and were aware that things were slipping through the cracks. She said they were implementing things to ensure that from now on, people who paid not using the Crezco system would be able to pay easier and their payment attached to their profile. It was a good talk and, if they manage to implement the practises she spoke about, then hopefully things will get better. I can only take them at their word.

I’ve been vaping the Morrocan peach and purple milk alternately the last week, and they feel quite consistent – you can tell that they come from the same place. I can’t say I actively enjoy them as much as I have other strains – I miss farm gas and also powdered donuts – but they are helping with regard to feeling sleepy, so I can happily keep using them. I need to replace the sofa so I won’t be buying anything from Mamedica until probably November, so I shall use my ‘stash’ in the meantime. And that gives Mamedica time to keep their word and get their system up and working properly.

Friday 16 August 2024

Strains Review ⟫ Big Narstie Purple Milk ⟫ August 2024

”Feeding Xanax to the fish – cool.”


My order was ‘redirected’ by Royal Mail a couple of times but turned up by 1pm on Thursday, so Mamedica followed through on sending it when they said that they would after my telephone calls. I decided it was time for a strain review.

The strain I bought is Big Narstie Purple Milk, with a THC level of 26% and CBD of less than 1%. I had eaten soup and bread, taken my night-time meds and we settled down to watch TV. Initially, I found myself getting very emotional – I felt like my skin was very thin and everything was just a little too much. This did calm down and I felt very chilled – warm and safe, happy.

I have no idea why – especially since all I was doing was lying down watching TV – but this then changed again until my heart was pounding and I was sweating up a storm. We were watching season 2 of ‘Wolf Like Me’ which is a dark comedy, so nothing there to get me overheating. Shortly after that, I began to feel quite normal – not high, not stressed – almost as if I hadn’t vaped at all. I wasn’t feeling particularly sleepy – fatigued but that’s been quite normal the last week because of COVID. I made a note to myself that perhaps trying a new (to me) strain whilst struggling with COVID wasn’t the best idea.

Bedtime – just after 2 a.m. and I was out like a light. I’m not sure I even moved in the bed from the time I initially crashed out until 5 a.m. when I woke up to go to the bathroom. Gidget had just got back from work and we had a very brief chat, before I thought I’d see if I could get back to sleep. Woke up around 11 a.m. which was pretty darn impressive considering I didn’t think I could still feel the influence! I’m going to give it another go this evening, but at this point in time I think I may well have found my new sleep strain!

Monday 12 August 2024

Complaining to Mamedica by 'Karen' SKM

Yeah, I threw my toys out of the pram. I ended up calling this afternoon because I didn't want to wait until tomorrow - especially if it meant that I would be waiting another day for my stuff to be delivered, or as happened last time for it to be out of stock and have to start all over again.

If you want to see the complaint I sent through the website, I’ve tried to hide it behind this spoiler, but I’ve never done a spoiler on here before so it might not work!

So basically, once again my payment went through but wasn’t allocated to my profile so it looked like I hadn’t paid. This happens if you use the alternative payment method. But again, I ask, if you know this happens when the alternative payment method is used, why aren’t you looking out for it and making sure payments don’t go astray? Why does it take several phone calls to get it rectified when the same damn thing happens every month?

I wasn’t rude to the woman I spoke to and made sure to let her know that my complaint wasn’t about her or her level of customer service – it was kinda bigger than that, and she seemed to understand.

Anyway, allegedly it’s being posted tomorrow and should be with us by 1 pm on Wednesday, I ordered Big Narstie Purple Flower or something like that? Who the heck can remember at this stage – let’s just hope it helps me handle all of this COVID stuff!

Sunday 11 August 2024

"Who needs sleep when my brain is a cloud"

”Who needs sleep when my brain is a cloud.”


Well obviously, I’m the one that needs sleep. I’m freaking exhausted and practically hallucinating, but as soon as I relax enough to sleep, it’s like a worm gets into my head and I have to get up and do something. Which, to be fair, at the moment has consisted of playing on all sorts of AI image creation sites and making new headers for all of my blogs. I know it’s bad when I’m already working on a new header when the last one is less than half an hour old!

Last night, I tried starting off with the Equinposa and it was lovely – smooth taste (despite my COVID suffering taste-buds), slow effect – I thought this was it. But then when we started getting ready for bed, things just went wrong and suddenly I was wide awake again. I ended up waiting until Gidget got back from work around 6ish and chatting to her. I vaped another bowl whilst chatting to her – hopefully the advice I gave her was (a) coherent and (b) relevant to the situation she was describing. I know she could tell I was high (apart from me actually vaping in front of her) so that should mean she takes things the right way – hopefully.

She went to bed and I – well, I re-booted my laptop and started writing a short fic and creating a new banner. So now it’s 10.30 in the morning and I haven’t been to sleep yet and I am getting heartily sick of this. We are meant to be changing my bedding (energy levels permitting) and maybe fresh sheets will send me off to dreamland. I hope so – I can feel my nerves fraying and my patience dwindling away the longer this insomnia spate continues. I wish I could figure out what’s triggered it – there’s no more stress than usual, I don’t have any appointments coming up.

Also, Mamedica had the audacity to send me an email reminding me to pay my invoice. The same invoice I paid five days ago. So I forwarded them a copy of the confirmation of payment and asked them when I would be receiving my order. I’m more than a little annoyed – they use a payments system that doesn’t support all banks, need you to email them to request a different payment link (why can’t they just include it in the original invoice?), but then the alternative system doesn’t notify them when someone pays so it’s Russian roulette as to when they will realise that you’ve paid and they can send the goods.

Since they know that the alternative payment system doesn’t inform them when someone has paid their invoice, why aren’t they monitoring it? If it’s so rare for people to have to use that system, surely it’s not unreasonable to expect them to track the payments? I’m more annoyed than angry, but if this insomnia continues then all bets are off. I’m going to give them until Tuesday morning to let me know my stuff is en route and then I’m calling up and I might make an official complaint depending on how I’m feeling when I wake up.

Okay, fan on, time to climb under the duvet and see if I can summon the Sand Man!

Saturday 10 August 2024

There are many, many unkind retorts in my head.....

”There are many, many unkind retorts in my head but for the sake of all of us, I wont be saying any of them.”


This evening, I really needed something different. COVID has hit our household and none of us are doing a good job coping with it. So I wanted farm gas, even though I knew I didn’t have any left. Until I checked the little compartment in the grinder where the cleaning brush, etc. are kept. And it was full of dust. I have no idea what it would be called -- weed dust? Heck, anyway there was enough there to fill the bowl of my Mighty so I gave it a go.

It was a strange high – I felt kinda like I was floating, including an inability to keep up with conversations. Stripes and Gidget were explaining something to me and they were both being so fervent and earnest in their explanations, united in trying to make me understand. And they might as well have been speaking like Donald Duck for all the sense they were making to me!

I guess I wanted something different and got that! It feels like the high is in the back of my mind now and it’s nearly 4 am and I could really do with getting some sleep because everything aches, I have a banging headache and I’m feeling extremely grouchy. But apparently I’m also wide awake. I’ve tried vaping some warlock (I think it was warlock!) but that just seems to have made me feel mellow whilst wide awake.

And no sign of a delivery date from Mamedica with the new stuff – I guess I can call them on Monday if I haven’t received notification that my order has been posted. Maybe I should do a better job of cataloguing what strain has the best effect on me – something to work on this weekend. Along with maybe changing when I take my Ozempic but that’s chat for a different blog.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

"What’s gonna kill this bastard? Hubris. Hubris is going to kill him"

”What’s gonna kill this bastard? Hubris. Hubris is going to kill him.”

Stripes (watching Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It’s been a couple of weeks and I have been steadily vaping each night. Sometimes it helps me get to sleep, sometimes it just takes the edge off whilst I watch the sunrise.

I had to place an order with Mamedica and to be honest, it’s a really good job that I have a back-up stash. I put the order through on Thursday 1st August and received the invoice late on Friday. Of course, it’s the invoice that I can’t pay because of their payment system so I had to email them and request an alternative payment method. That came through on Tuesday 6th and I paid it pretty much straight away. Now it’s just a case of waiting for it to arrive. I don’t think it’s going to get here this week anyway.

They didn’t seem to have a lot of choice so I ended up going for another Big Narstie – I think it was mango? but I’m not 100% sure. I still enjoy the Moroccan Peaches so hopefully I’ll like this new one too. I really wanted to get some Farm Gas or even some Powdered Donuts but the site was pretty barren. I haven’t been keeping up with the subreddit or anything online so I don’t know if other people are finding the same thing.

To be fair, I don’t think I’m a particularly heavy user despite the fact that I’m vaping pretty much every night, so there should be no issues even if the Bank Holiday delays delivery.

I cleaned out my weed chest: cleaned all of the grinders with isopropyl alcohol, got rid of all of the stray bits hanging around in the bottom of the chest and wiped the whole thing down and it looks really good. Most of them only have bits in them so I might move the strain I use the most into a smaller chest.

The strain I’ve been appreciating the most is Warlock 9/9 – nice mellow buzz without it being too heady, and if I time it right, I can get to sleep. I just need to find a completely reliable method of getting some sleep that doesn’t involve smacking myself over the head with a hammer!

Strains Review ⟫ Aurora Pedanios 27/1 FRG-CA ⟫ Farm Gas ⟫ October 2024

Strains Review ⟫ Aurora Pedanios 27/1 FRG-CA ⟫ Farm Gas There are some pros and cons to this particular strain. Firstly, the smell is st...