Sunday 21 July 2024

PSA and cats being just like pigeons

”Cats are just like pigeons. If ours could fly, we’d be in trouble.”


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Okay, so guess who tried to seriously damage themselves by cleaning their Mighty with isopropyl alcohol?! I decided that it needed cleaning – or at least the filters and the mouthpiece, so used isopropyl alcohol to clean things out, filled the bowl with some farm gas and left it until the evening. As per usual, after the cats were fed at 8.30, I vaped my bowl. That’s when things got weird!

Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning include dizziness, low blood pressure, stomach pain, rapid heart rate, double vision, slurred speech, low body temperature.

I pretty much showed every single one of these symptoms and realised this was not a normal high at all. I explained to Stripes what I’d done and she checked the internet to see if we should be worrying and fortunately, the effects wear off after a few hours. It took me a while to realise just how I’d managed to poison myself – I thought I’d given enough time for the alcohol to evaporate but obviously not, and then adding my farm gas to it and leaving it to flippin marinate -- seriously, why did it not occur to me that this was a dumb idea?!

Fortunately I survived! However, it has made me a tad more wary when it comes to cleaning my vaping equipment. I have read that you can clean your Mighty by slowly ‘cooking’ in milk? Then you can use the milk with your porridge of whatever for ‘weed’ porridge? I’m not sure Stripes would let me use her kitchen like that – I mean it’s one thing making cannabutter but making cannamilk? Sounds like a stage too far and who even knows if it would work with oat milk?!

Also something else that should have occurred to me was complete and utter madness was trying to have a family manifesto meeting at 1.30 am whilst high as balls. Fortunately, the three of us decided to put the conversation off until the next day because I was doing a really good impression of a tailor’s dummy because my brain just wouldn’t dial in.

And once again it’s 6 am and I haven’t been to sleep yet. I don’t know if I need to change the strain I’m vaping at night because there seems to be a window where I feel the soporific effects and then I’m wide awake with my brain fizzing with ideas. Not so great when I need to get some sleep. I’ve changed my banners and headers on my blogs umpteen times now because it seems like every night I think of a different way I want them to look. Maybe I need to vape and as soon as I get tired, turn everything off and go to sleep, no matter what time it is. Gotta be worth a try!

Gidget is out tomorrow – laser tag with her work colleagues – so maybe tomorrow evening I can vape some Equinposa or warlock and see if it sends me to sleep. I could definitely do with it. Right, gonna log all of this off and see if I can pretend to sleep long enough to actually fall asleep. I shouldn’t be seeing Gidget returning from work when that’s normally around 5 am in the morning!

Sunday 14 July 2024

"1969. Confusingly released in 1984"

”1969 by Bryan Adams – confusingly released in 1984”


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Yeah, music quizzes whilst high are hysterically funny!

Powdered donuts last night and was feeling happy and drowsy, with only mild racing heart. Stripes and I were doing a music quiz on YouTube, hence the high thoughts and then watching Interview with the Vampire.

Issues with Gidget’s ex creeping around that we’re dealing with. Phone call from Gidget whilst I was high as balls and I managed to talk her down from a panic attack, but it had me wondering if I should stay off of the weed for a week or two? The situation with the ex doesn’t seem to be going away and I need to be able to help/think if Gidget needs me whilst she’s working. I must admit, I’m a tad resentful at the thought of having to be in pain in order to provide support but the resentment is aimed fully at JC. I don’t understand what they are gaining from this, but I’m getting pretty sick of it.

At the least, maybe they’ll stop bothering Gidget at work and the places she frequents after work, but I might have to do some research into what we can do to get them to leave her alone. I think tonight I’ll skip the weed and stay sober.

Thursday 11 July 2024

"In this moment, I fully understand Romeo and Juliet"

”In this moment, I fully understand Romeo and Juliet. Their pain should not be minimised!”


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I don’t even have words for those high thoughts – I cannot for the life of me remember what I was thinking or why I thought I understood Romeo and Juliet’s pain, especially since I think they were a couple of dumbass kids.

Date: ⟫ 10/07/24 | Strain: ⟫ 1 Mighty bowl of Sourdough, 1 Mighty bowl of Equinposa

Speaking of dumbasses, I fell off the bed this evening. Like, I cannot even begin to explain how it happened as I wasn’t high. In fact, I was just trying to catch Lady Munchington, had my foot planted firmly on the floor and the next moment, I’m coming around on the floor with Stripes sitting next to me. So now my bruises from Sunday have new bruises and I feel utterly battered.

And worried.

Because, why after months of being fine balance-wise have I fallen twice in one week? Answers on a postcard…

I think I am becoming accustomed to the Sourdough. The palpitations have calmed down so much I would describe them as ‘mild’. My muse appears to have been reactivated (which is handy as it’s my writing day today), and I find myself feeling thoughtful. Good because it will be nice to see if my muse sticks around for me to actually write something but bad because it’s now 5.40 am and I haven’t been to sleep yet!

Tuesday 9 July 2024

MaMedica 9 Month Review

”I’m not the one mixing spaff in a cup and giving it to strangers!”


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The only context that I’m giving for Stripes’ quote above is that we were watching the Netflix series “The Man with 1000 Children”. Enough said!

Date: ⟫ 08/07/24 | Strain: ⟫ Sourdough mixed with Cannatonic

Following the fall on Sunday morning, I am feeling rather battered and bruised. My knees took a huge part of the damage, but the brunt was suffered by my hands – my right thumb is bad, and my index finger is getting stiffer every day. So last night I felt the need for some body numbness, hence mixing the sourdough and cannatonic.

My impressions are that it affected both Stripes and Gidget through second-hand exhale using the Mighty. Initially, I would say that it made me a little giggly and warm, but that mellowed until my knees were no longer screaming in pain. Unfortunately, it didn’t help with the sleep issues I have been experiencing – it’s difficult to get comfortable as every way I turn, I discover more body parts that are hurting. I don’t think that I’ve cracked ribs or anything but I have definitely got some major bruising that hasn’t come through yet. Stripes got me some tubigrip, wrist support and foaming Arnica spray so hopefully things will start to feel better soon.

I had my 9 month review with MaMedica and it was nice to recognise the doctor that I spoke to. Unfortunately, I still can’t remember his name! It was a brief but good chat – he asked how things were going, checked that I wasn’t suffering from any side effects and confirmed that the fall wasn’t a result of the MC use (definitely not as it was Sunday morning around 7 am). I said that part of the reason I hadn’t been ordering was that I was using up my surplus and he was fine with that. I said I would probably be ordering some more in about a month – possibly the farm gas or the sourdough. He said that they are out of stock at present, but should be back by then. I have now been placed back on Shared Care and can get in touch if I have any questions. Otherwise, my next review is due in a year.

I think tonight I might go for straight up Sourdough and make an effort to get a decent night’s sleep and not allow myself to get distracted by tv or books.

Sunday 7 July 2024

You seem very Doritos focused....

“You seem very Doritos focused”


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Date: ⟫ 06/07/24 | Strain: ⟫ Sourdough

Gidget bought me a “How High Am I?” journal from Urban Outfitters as she happened to see it at the till, so I’ve been using that with my nightly vape for the last couple of nights. I’m not 100% sure how coherent my thoughts are but its’ fun to see what my brain comes out with.

And I have discovered that because my weed has been sitting in its’ tubs undisturbed for a few months, it has apparently become way more lethal. I have felt the effects on the Equinposa as well as the Warlock, but last night I decided to try the Sourdough. I don’t think I’ve done a review on this one which is a shame because it would be cool to compare the effects initially and now that it’s been a while.

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My ‘How High Journal’ says:

High Notes

Sourdough but stewed for a couple of months

What am I feeling?

Strong palpitations; blurred vision; claggy and/or dry mouth

What am I doing?

Watching show tune music videos on YouTube

What can I absolutely not forget no matter what?

To try to cut this with a lower dose strain.

Genius idea

Go back in time and have my Doritos here now.

Big questions

Why the fuck didn’t we put the shopping order through so that my Doritos would be here?

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So apparently, according to Gidget who read the journal today, I was very focused on Doritos! It definitely took away the pain in my knees and allowed me to chill, which was much needed as it has been a stressful week. The dry/claggy mouth was absolutely horrendous and I had several airwaves chewing gum to try to alleviate how awful it was.

MaMedica finally caught hold of me and I am scheduled in for my 9 month review on Tuesday afternoon. They are probably wondering why I haven’t ordered anything from them in quite some time, but I guess as long as I keep up with the reviews, etc, they have no reason to discharge me. I think I may put an order through for some farm gas as when I used the last of it that I had last week, it was very soothing and sent me to sleep.

I had a fall this morning – a pretty bad one for me. My right thumb is definitely dodgy AF, and I am having issues with stiffness in my pointer fingers, etc so we’re talking about trying to get me in to see a doctor tomorrow. Could be difficult since walking is so painful and trying to climb in and out of a taxi is not something I think will go well. We shall see tomorrow.

Tonight, I’m definitely going with the Sourdough cut with something as I am a mass of aches and pains and could do with the relief so that I can try to get some sleep. And my normal painkillers/meds are not making a difference – I guess this is a major test of whether or not using MC really can help with pain relief.

Strains Review ⟫ Aurora Pedanios 27/1 FRG-CA ⟫ Farm Gas ⟫ October 2024

Strains Review ⟫ Aurora Pedanios 27/1 FRG-CA ⟫ Farm Gas There are some pros and cons to this particular strain. Firstly, the smell is st...