Thursday, 16 January 2025

High Thoughts: Even my teeth are cheesy!

”Even my teeth are cheesy!”


I have gone down with this absolutely revolting cough/cold or quite possibly the flu. Not sure which, I just know that I’m suffering. I have also been struggling with some pain in one of my incisions and I decided that instead of trying to grit my teeth through the pain, I would vape. It worked and I got some sleep, so I decided to do the same thing again another night.

Mind you, up until now, I’ve been vaping half a bowl at a time and getting completely sacked out. For some reason, I decided to do a fresh bowl of what I think was sourdough or maybe farm gas. I didn’t think and just vaped the whole bowl, and oh my good Lord! It hit me like a tonne of bricks – even I could tell that I was out of it! Book_grim was with me, along with Stripes, and unfortunately it was one of those times when Book found me incredibly aggravating, even thought I was trying to be helpful! She was having to machine wash some of her plushies because of a bedbugs situation and I was giving her advice, but apparently I was just annoying AF.

I have also become mildly addicted to cheese strings and babybel – they’re a quick source of protein and something my stomach can handle. According to Book_grim, I eat cheese strings incorrectly because I don’t peel them, I bite them. I hate the feel of the cheese beneath my fingernails so prefer to bite into them and peel them from there, but as soon as she said that, I proceeded to just randomly chomp bites off! That is where the High Thoughts came from – apparently, I discovered that having to chew the cheese strings at least 20 times has the effect of them melting onto my teeth, covering them with a thin film of cheese. I made the mistake of chewing on the other side of my mouth, which meant that those teeth were also covered in a thin film of cheese, but the layer wasn’t even and was causing me some issues.

I finally crashed out to sleep without resolving the correct levels of cheese to coat my teeth evenly – what a dilemma – but I have also discovered that string cheese and babybel make excellent snacks when you have the munchies. From now on, I think I will stick to half a bowl so I don’t get as utterly toasted as I was on this occasion. But I will also make more of an effort to incorporate this into my pain management regime – I have enough sourdough, morrocan peach and farm gas to keep going for a good few weeks, and it seems stupid to be in pain when this is something I can use that definitely helps.

Monday, 16 December 2024

Vaping Post Surgery

I am 18 days post surgery and have vaped three times now. Each time, I’ve been careful not to have more than half a bowl, and I’ve tried to use the lowest THC. As the incisions have healed, the normal pain levels have returned which means my knees and back have started causing issues. Add to that that I seem to have lost a little of my padding, so I am feeling the springs in the mattress and possibly the slats on the bed, and things have been getting a little uncomfortable.

I am using oral suspension paracetamol but cannot abide the liquid gabapentin so have pretty much been raw-dogging the pain since the surgery. Last night, around 11.30 pm, I decided to vape a half bowl of Sourdough. I can honestly say, I barely made it through the creeping warmth before I was out like a light. I woke up around 7 am to visit the bathroom, then went straight back to sleep and didn’t wake again until 11 am. The cessation of pain was so marvellous – I felt like a new person.

I think Book_grim found me aggravating (but that does happen sometimes when I vape when she’s around), but because I wasn’t awake for long I don’t think it got too bad. My biggest concern was to make sure I was steady on my feet and that I got in as much of my liquids as I could. I had a setback – I was meant to be on day 3 of purees – but my stomach was upset, so I’d had a smoothie, a cup-a-soup and a scrambled egg, but fortunately I didn’t feel too unsteady and I think, as long as I’m careful, I can bring the medicinal weed back into play for handling the pain.

I need to assess how much I have of everything – I know I still have quite a bit Big Narstie Moroccan Peach and Purple Milk, but may need to place an order for some Farm Gas and some Sourdough in January. It is very nice to have this back in my arsenal!

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Stem Milk Shake

Well, I can categorically state that Stem Milk is strong AF and should be used with caution.

Obviously if you’ve been on any of my other blogs, you’ll know that I am currently following a pre-op diet which means that I am consuming liquid only. I don’t know if it’s affected my ability to handle vaping but I can’t honestly say that I have felt it’s made a difference. We decided that along with cleaning my Mighty properly, it might be worthwhile seeing if something like Stem Milk would affect me.

Below this is a series of photos that shows the state of my Mighty when we began, how many cotton buds, etc. died in the process of cleaning it off, the stem milk we produced following the recipe from yesterday, and how lovely all of the parts looked afterwards.

Stripes made me a shake using 50% of the stem milk and 50% water and one of the Exante or Kee shakes. It did taste a bit green – or maybe I was just noticing the difference between making the shakes up with milk instead of water. It definitely made it creamier to drink but the green taste was a bit off-putting. I’d taken all of usual night time precautions: I went to the bathroom, took my night-time meds, brushed my teeth and cleaned my face. I drank the shake around 9pm. By 9.30 pm, I was getting that familiar creep in my lower limbs that let me know that things were working – it’s basically like a warmth that creeps up from my toes, helps with the pain in my knees, hip and back, and then mellows out until I’m not suffering as badly as I often do.

I couldn’t even tell you the timing of the following, but I have a couple of quotes that Stripes wrote down.

”I need to write to my congressman about the M&S advert. I have the right to be outraged.”

I think this is because the latest M&S advert for men’s clothing/underwear seems to be saying that it’s unusual for white men to like a certain type of music, and only the really cool ones who wear M&S underwear will like particular songs. Why I thought it would help to write to my congressman about this, I have no idea, especially since I’m in the UK.

"Please somebody help me, I’m hearing from my eyeballs and I can’t see."

Well that seems pretty self-explanatory – I was tripping balls! Please note that there’s no mention of anyone helping me with my suddenly auditory eyeballs – I think that says it all!

I don’t actually remember going to bed, but I slept relatively well and woke up around 9 a.m.., realised that I was still stoned and went back to bed until just before 2 pm. As a method of getting to sleep, it looks like this worked very well – I am feeling quite rested today with no particular after-effects. I won’t be having the second half of the stem milk tonight because I just want to be sure that I’ve come out of the other side of this particular trip before I do it again! Definitely a success in terms of getting the most out of my reclaim I think.

I can’t believe just how disgusting my Mighty was looking inside and will do my best to clean it more often. I did clean out the main chamber with isopropyl alcohol, then ran it three or four times so that the alcohol would burn off. I will have to see if vaping from a freshly cleaned Mighty feels different tonight!

Experiment success I feel!

Monday, 4 November 2024

Planning to make Stem Milk

”Watching Latto’s Big Dick Energy: her anthropomorphic nipples!”


Stripes and I have decided to try to make Stem milk. Watched a couple of videos on YouTube and I found these instructions on Reddit.

Disassemble the cooling unit. Remove the mesh and all rubber gaskets. Put aside the top holographic slider as it shouldn't be used in this recipe (or cleaned in ISO).

Place cooling unit, gaskets and mesh in a small saucepan with enough milk to cover. 200-300ml for me in my small saucepan. Heavy bottom pot saucepan is best for heat control.

You can add a teaspoon of butter/oil at this step to increase the fat content of the milk. (Necessary with low fat or plant based milk)

Over a low-medium heat bring your milk up to a simmer, stirring often.

When it starts to simmer, take it off the heat and let it sit for 5 mins. You will see lots of brown oily dots rise to the top as the reclaim detaches from the CU.

After 5 Mins use your orange poker tool to move any stubborn reclaim from the inside of the mouth piece or CU.

Put it back on a low medium heat whilst stirring. Take it off when it starts to simmer. Strain and enjoy.

Have fun. Focus on not letting the milk go past a simmer and you will be fine :)

I can’t credit the person who posted the instructions as they’ve deleted their reddit account, but the description matches what I’ve seen. I’ve seen a few people say that it takes a while to kick in, but then it kicks in hard. My cunning plan is to use it to get to sleep – use half of it watered down in my 8.30 pm shake and then hopefully sleep the sleep of the truly stoned all night long!

Firstly, I need to find the box my Mighty came in because it has tools, etc that should be helpful in taking it apart and putting it back together. I just hope that it’s not a repeat of the isopropyl alcohol incident where I basically poisoned myself! I will report back and hopefully, Stripes will be able to take photos and I need to find my High Thoughts book because this might well be one of those nights!!

Friday, 18 October 2024

Caddo Lake Review and High Thoughts

Caddo Lake: “It’s like he took The Lake House and M. Knight Shyamalan’d all over it!”


So, predominantly the reason for this post is the High Thoughts quote from Stripes which for some reason I thought was utterly hysterical! We watched Caddo Lake, which had Dylan O Brien and was directed by M.Knight Shyamalan and it was a good film. However, I watched it whilst high off of Purple Milk/Farm Gas and some of it had me spinning. There were sections of the movie where I wasn’t sure if I was hallucinating or if it was actually happening on screen.

I really enjoyed it – Dylan O Brien knocked it out of the park as usual, and the other actors were so – ordinary – but in an extraordinary way. It was like they got real people to just recreate what happened in their lives instead of actors. I guess I’m trying to say it felt authentic and genuine – you felt their panic and confusion.

Afterwards we had to watch a video on YouTube to confirm the suspicions the three of had come up with. I kept using the wrong names for the people I was trying to connect but by the end of it, I felt like I really got what the film was about.

Around 2am, Stripes had to put me to bed. I kept planning on going to sleep but basically couldn’t move very much. I slept well though – think I’m gonna try that mix again. I might try the farm gas with the morroccan peach and see what effect it has. Woke up around 9.30 am, took my meds, brushed my teeth and then crashed out again! I actually feel rested today – lets see if I can recreate that tonight.

Friday, 4 October 2024

Strains Review ⟫ Aurora Pedanios 27/1 FRG-CA ⟫ Farm Gas ⟫ October 2024

Strains Review ⟫ Aurora Pedanios 27/1 FRG-CA ⟫ Farm Gas

There are some pros and cons to this particular strain. Firstly, the smell is strong! Like, strong enough to make each of the cats give us a stunned glare after they forced their noses into the tub as if to accuse us of wishing them harm. They are not fans of the way it smells. It’s hard to describe other than to say it punches you in the nose as soon as you open the container.

The first few times I vaped it, I had a bit of a cough so assumed the roughness I was feeling on my throat was due to that. However, every single time I’ve vaped this, the first couple of inhales has had me hacking like an old sailor on his last legs, gasping his last breath. It’s not pleasant.

I decided to cut it slightly with the Big Narstie Purple Milk which has a much milder smell and taste. Initially, I put the farm gas into the bowl first then topped it off with the purple milk, but I kept getting the hacking cough result. So I swapped it around – purple milk first for half a bowl, then half a bowl of Farm Gas. Instantly took away the harshness of the inhale and meant no losing a lung just to vape.

Effects-wise, it’s been variable. The initial stages are slow to hit but then I end up getting completely locked in place. Everything internally is running 100 mph but externally, I am literally just a body stuck to the bed. Stripes has had to put me to bed at least twice whilst on this: take away all of the vapes, reading tablet, etc that litter the bed, help me into my CPAP and turn off the lights. Last night, I think I got about 9 hours sleep which is pretty extraordinary for me.

On other occasions, however, I have found that it feels like the effects have warn off – I’m still high but the sleepiness has gone. It meant that a couple of times I ended up staying awake all night just because – I didn’t want to do anything in particular but I was too awake to sleep.

So, like I said, variable effects.

I think I’m going to experiment with the amounts of farm gas alongside the purple milk to try to get a decent mix. Anything that helps with the insomnia is appreciated but I don’t like the fact that I don’t know whether it’s going to help me sleep or keep me awake all night.

In other news, I sent a copy of my weed prescription along with my PIP renewal form and to be completely honest, I’m not sure I should have. I know that they’re not meant to discriminate against people using marijuana but I’m fearful that I will get an assessor who disapproves and thereby fuck up my application. It very much feels with PIP that you are at the mercy of the luck of the drawer. I’ve spoken to people who treated me like utter shit and I’ve spoken to people who seemed empathetic – it was just luck of the drawer. I just hope this time I get someone who understands.

No high thoughts because I can’t find the book but I will dig it out and see how bolshy/belligerent being on the farm gas makes me!

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

And my prescription is finally here....

Just after midday, I received my delivery of Farm Gas from Mamedica. So, from the initial repeat prescription ordered on 11th September, it’s taken 9 working days for me to receive my order, but just under two weeks in total. I’m not sure how I feel about that – on the one hand, when it’s considered in working days, that feels like far longer than all of the blurb says. And when you just think of it in terms of ‘normal’ time, that’s nearly a fortnight. So much for next day delivery.

Last night, I vaped some purple milk with a peach topper, and that stuff took my head off. Not helped by the two baby Guinness I had (Stripes found a baby Guinness kit at B&M so we treated ourselves to three of them). Gidget showed off her bartending skills and it was pretty darn impressive the way she made this baby Guinness look! Of course, I then dunked my finger in it which messed it up a little! And as neither of us like coffee liqueurs, the best way to drink them was to either slam them down or mix them so we couldn’t taste the Tia Maria.

We were messing about with the exercise resistance bands I bought a week or so ago, which to be perfectly honest added to my general exhaustion so it’s no wonder I went to sleep around 2.30 am and didn’t wake up until 10.30 am this morning!

Tonight, I want to give the Farm Gas a try, with nothing else on top of it. I shall have to keep my high thoughts notebook with me so that I can keep track of anything that particularly strikes me!

High Thoughts: Even my teeth are cheesy!

”Even my teeth are cheesy!” Me I have gone down with this absolutely revolting cough/cold or quite possibly the flu. Not sure which, I ju...